Hui ZhangVisiting student
Before 2020

Xuan GuoVisiting student
Before 2020

Bo HuVisiting student
Before 2020

Lu GaoPhD
Enrolled in 2016, graduated in 2021
PhD thesis title: Theoretical Study on the Quantum Effect for the Low-Temperature Dynamics

Muye FengPost-doc
Postdoctoral work completed in 2020-2022
Research Interest: Molecular simulation

Zeyun ZhangPhD
Enrolled in 2017, graduated in 2022
PhD thesis title: Design and Mechanism of Catalysts for Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis Based on Two-dimensional Materials

Ruiming ZhangPhD
Enrolled in 2017, graduated in 2022
PhD thesis title: Development and Application of the Gas-phase Energy Master Equation Method

Xu HanPhD
Enrolled in 2018, graduated in 2023
PhD thesis title: Theoretical study on the mechanism and catalysts of sulfur-conversion reactionsin lithium-sulfur batteries

Yan LiPhD
Enrolled in 2018, graduated in 2023
PhD thesis title: High-Precision Computational Study on Rate Coefficients of Radical Hydrogen Abstraction and Hydrogen-Shift Reactions

Wenqi ChenPhD
Enrolled in 2019, graduated in 2024
PhD thesis title: Theoretical Study on the Effect of Large Amplitude Anharmonic Vibration on the Kinetic Calculation of Gas Reaction

Wendi DongVisiting student
Before 2022